A Reminder That 'Princess Leia' Is An O.G. Mental Health Hero
The actress, who is reprising her role as the formidable Princess Leia in the next installment of the Star Wars franchise, has been speaking out on mental illness for more than 10 years -- something that was almost unheard of in Hollywood at the time she began.
She's given honest testimonies of the trials and triumphs of battling addiction and bipolar disorder, displaying a no-holds-barred attitude when it comes to discussing the realities of mental health conditions.
Since we're going to be seeing a lot more of Fisher in the coming days (thanks, Disney!), we wanted to make sure to revere the original Princess Leia for her groundbreaking stance on mental health in the public eye. Below are few times Fisher stood up against stigma:
When she owned what was happening with her mental health.
"I have a chemical imbalance that, in its most extreme state, will lead me to a mental hospital ... I am mentally ill. I can say that. I am not ashamed of that. I survived that, I’m still surviving it, but bring it on."
The time she had this great response to being called the "poster child" of bipolar disorder.
"Well, I am hoping to get the centerfold in Psychology Today. ... Now, it seems every show I watch there's always someone bipolar in it! It's going through the vernacular like 'May the force be with you' did. But I define it, rather than it defining me."
When she offered sound advice on pursuing dreams despite mental illness.
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